Hi man. You've got to look at this like a business. For March, I earned $35.65. But in Feb I earned 16.23. And January 3.90. Therefore, if I go at the same rate, I should earn around 70 in April. In theory.
The view thing is weird. My Post: Why Working From Home Is So Boring, earnt me $25 of that 35.92. 600 views!
Whereas my post: How To Tap Walnut Trees to Make Syrup (cool video by the way! — is that Minnesota?) Only earned me $0,23 from 460 views.
The reason: people google, How To Tap Walnut Trees to Make Syrup, and can read it, but I won't earn any money.
I never really thought I could earn good money from Medium, but if you get a good base and keep improving the stories, it's possible.
I think.
Good luck!