Mmm…. I disagree with you. I worked as a magazine journalist in my 20s. I wrote every day. Had to. It was my job. True, the content wasn't always that mind-blowing. BUT I developed a style and a voice, and I got good at the articles I wrote. It improved me as a writer.
I still write every day. But I don't publish every day. I work on my novel. Or my screenplay. Or write stories no one will ever read. Or respond to people on Medium…
I also work on a farm, so there's that as well. But I always write.
Saying that, I do agree that if you are looking to produce good articles on Medium, then you shouldn't publish every day. Unless you feel you've got it in you. Plenty of writers can produce great 1000-word pieces in a few hours. The great, British journalist, Christopher Hitchens could write flawless 1000-word polemics in under an hour. Unfortunately, he's dead.
Anyway, that's just my two pennies' worth; you can do what you like. Thanks.