Very interesting piece. I'm a drinker and have been most of my life. I don't drink as much as I used to, but I enjoy wine every evening with my meal. I live in France, which doesn't mean I should drink wine. But it's cheap and I enjoy it.
I agree with what you've said though. No drug is good. However, alcohol consumption is down in France, BUT people unfitter and fatter. Why? I'll tell you. Sugar. People may not drink as much, but they sure do eat and drink crap! What's better for you? A beer or Pepsi Max, a drink full of hideous chemicals?
I live rurally and eat my own vegetables and fruit. I source my meat and cheese and milk and wine locally, and according to my doctor, I'm pretty healthy.
I still agree, though. Alcohol is bad! I've seen a few friends die of booze. It's a killer drug. But I'm convinced a healthy diet and keeping fit (walking a lot) allows one to drink a cold beer in summer!
Great piece!